It’s like one of those nightmares when you see a friend at some distance smiling at you. You are screaming at them, …

I truly believe the body has the potential to heal the body. After my yin yoga training this past winter, I have …

Sometimes we assume that in order to meditate or to be mindful, we need to silence the mind. There is a sense of …

I never imagined owning my own business. “Work” was never a huge priority in my life until… I discovered my passion and …

I honestly believe that you can manifest anything you truly, truly desire. You know when you really want something, you can FEEL …

“Bloom where you are planted” Once I discovered my purpose through my passion, I began to feel overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed by …

I have always been a fan of balancing western medicine with natural forms of healing, pain management, stress-reduction and general maintenance of …

Happy new year! It’s that time of the year where we resolve to make changes, to improve, to achieve our goals and …