Vegan and Gluten-Free Options in Valencia, Spain

Valencia, Spain is definitely improving in its efforts to accommodate vegetarians (vegetarianos/as), vegans (veganos/as),  and celiacs (celiacos/as) or those who choose a gluten-free diet (sin gluten). 

It seems that every time we go out we are lucky enough to discover new places with vegan and gluten-free options. When traveling or living in Spain, be very cautious when ordering. Many spaniards have a different view of vegetarian and vegan than in other parts of the world and often assume that you will still eat seafood, cheese, and/or eggs. It is typical to find tuna (atún) on most vegetarian sandwiches and salads. In my experience, it is best to list all of the ingredients you DO NOT want in your meal.

Here are a few translated words and phrases, related to vegetarianism, to help you out.

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Best Mexican Food Restaurant in Valencia

Finding authentic Mexican food in Spain is more difficult than one may think. Although Mexico and Spain may share a language, their cuisine and flavor preferences could not be more different.

Thanks to some fellow Americans living in Valencia, I have recently discovered an adorable Mexican restaurant in the heart of Russafa. Chilangos features a colorful Mexican-style decor and has a menu complete with authentic Mexican flavors and dishes. All menu items are homemade including their tasty refried beans, chicken mole, tamales, and guacamole. I was in heaven to say the least.Continue reading