Wow. 30 weeks. What a journey it has been! I honestly feel like I’ve been pregnant forever. I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be able to simply bend over to grab something off the floor or what it was like to get out of bed without literally steamrolling off the side. The constant urge to urinate and the back aches just feel normal now. I remember the first time I felt this sweet little baby’s movements inside of me. It was such a strange feeling, but so very comforting. I’ve just began to wonder how much I’ll miss his little kicks to the ribs and punches to the bladder. It must be a strange feeling once he’s born, to have my body back to “myself” and to not be sharing it with him anymore. But, what a beautiful feeling it will be to hold him in my arms. To see him. To smell him. To have the opportunity to really, truly love him.
So many things have changed in the past 30 weeks. Looking back, I have been reflecting on some of the things that without which, I could not have made it through my first two trimesters.
7 things I couldn’t live without during pregnancy
1. Rice cakes
You know, the fluffy, cracker-like, somewhat salty, light, crispy rice treats? These literally saved me from weeks 6-10 when morning sickness was at its worse. I was pretty lucky compared to many mamas and didn’t suffer too badly. However, you could always find a ziplock bag of rice cakes in my purse. And, you could often hear me crunching away on rice cakes in bed, around 4:00 am, trying to ward off the constant sensation of motion sickness. In order to add a little protein and nutrients, Timi would make me a Super-Awesome-Pregnancy-Rice-Cake-Treat every afternoon as I lay on the couch watching reruns of Parenthood and Friday Night Lights.
1 rice cake
spread on a layer of organic peanut or almond butter
top with sliced bananas
sprinkle with cinnamon
2. Pillows, pillows, and more pillows
It’s a good thing we bought a large bed after our move back to Spain because… we’ve got company! The growing belly is already renting its own property in the middle of the bed. In addition, it takes about three pillows of my own to make for a comfortable night’s sleep. The first pregnancy present Timi bought me was a tempurpedic pillow. The pillow began as a normal pillow under my head, but by 6 1/2 weeks of pregnancy, I was already uncomfortable sleeping. The pillow quickly moved to rest between my knees to support my hips. Since then, I’ve incorporated this pillow as a wedge between my knees and in the space between my belly and the mattress. The third pillow rests behind me to support my back and prevent me from rolling flat onto my back during the night. Needless to say, the bed is getting to be a bit crowded…
3. Bandeau bras
Alright ladies. I cannot believe how much the breasts change (and continue to change) throughout pregnancy. Personally, I found it much easier to buy a few stretchy bandeau bras that have lasted me through all the changes my chest has been through the past few months. The body temperature is often too hot to wear a regular, padded bra so instead, opt for a bandeau that includes removable padding, or at least, double-layered fabric. These bras provided me with just the amount of support and flexibility that I needed.
Sample bandeau bra (fully-lined)
Sample layering bra with padding and straps, partially-lined, without wire
4. Good waking shoes
I had good intentions of being able to wear my regular clothes throughout most of my pregnancy and rock my super cute sandals all over Spain. After a long day shopping for nursery decor, walking on the concrete floors of Ikea, that plan went right out the window. With the amount of general walking we do over here in Spain, I realized I was in desperate need of good walking sandals. There are plenty of orthopedic options out there, but to be honest, the price tag is a bit high for me. I opted for an affordable brand (less than 20€) out here in Spain, Quechua. They have been a life-saver!

5. Sparkling water/”Agua con gas”
I don’t know what it is, but cold, sparkling water with a lemon slice has been a sort of craving for me during pregnancy. It makes me feel fuller, settles my stomach, and makes me feel like I’m having a “fancy drink” when I say no to that icy glass of white wine. Add cucumber slices and strawberries to fancy it up even more! Other pregnancy cravings: Cereal. Almost everyday since about week 17. Little tiny pickles or “pepinillos”. I know, so typical. Ice cream. Big time.
Actually. I’d like to add a #5.5- Ice cream. I definitely couldn’t have gotten through this summer of pregnancy without ice cream. Mint chocolate chip…cafe…stracciatella…
6. Air conditioning
Enough said.
7. My partner
Kuddos to those mamas who do it all on their own. I honestly don’t know how I could have remained seated on what Timi has deemed “The Rollercoaster of Pregnancy”, without him. I have depended on our partnership and our love, more than I ever imagined I would have needed. It has been such a beautiful experience to be able to share in this journey together. I am so grateful and feel so incredibly blessed to walk hand-in-hand into parenthood with the best partner I could have ever dreamed of.