How to stand out as a tourist in Spain

When traveling, it is common for tourists to want to “fit in” like the locals at their destination country. Before embarking on our travels, we study up on the destination country by familiarizing ourselves with the proper clothing attire, learning a few words of the language, finding out about popular dishes, and highlighting the most famous sightseeing spots in our guidebook. However, no matter how much we learn on google, pin on Pinterest, or ask questions to others who have traveled to the country, it is inevitable that we will stand out as a tourist once we have arrived. After living in Spain for a year and a half, I have accepted the fact that I am still “an Americana living in Spain”. I am guilty of making each and every one of these mistakes and have been called out by the locals (my friends and family). With that said, I feel I am an expert on “How to Stand out as a Tourist in Spain”. Continue reading

Vegan and Gluten-Free in San Sebastián, Spain

San Sebastián, also known as Donostia, is one of the most beautiful cities you will ever visit. Located on the Bay of Biscay, near the French border, this city is complete with beautiful ocean views and an enticing Old Town center. The small streets are lined with various bars to enjoy pinchos and wine. Hop from one bar to the next, rubbing shoulders with locals and tourists alike.

vegan, vegetarian and gluten free in san sebastian


vegan, vegetarian and gluten free in san sebastian

Looking for vegetarian, vegan, and or gluten-free options in San Sebastián, Spain? Here are a few recommendations.Continue reading

Tips for traveling internationally with a newborn/infant/baby

As an American mom, married to a spaniard, international travel with a child will always be a part of our family’s life. Our first international trip with Luca was when he was seven weeks old. We flew from Spain to California to celebrate the Christmas holidays with my family. We stayed in the states for five weeks and returned when Luca was 12 weeks old. Needless to say, we learned a lot!

Traveling in and of itself is often stressful and unpredictable. Air travel with an infant can intensify feelings of stress and worry. Flying internationally with an infant is a whole different ballgame. However, traveling with a baby does not need to be a traumatic experience. It requires extra preparation, a lot of patience, and quite a bit more cargo, but it can be done! Here are a few tips for flying internationally with babies.

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New Expectations

13 new expectations I have since living in Spain

Living in Spain has changed many of my perspectives on life. I have explored the practice of embracing the unknown. I have taken advantage of the chance to learn about my own cultural vulnerability. I listen more. I treasure the opportunity to be present in this unique experience of living abroad.

One major change I have noticed is my shift in expectations since living in Spain. Some of these expectations are specific to Valencia and others are related to being married to a Spaniard, but nevertheless, all are related to my new life in Spain.Continue reading

Vegan and Gluten-Free Options in Valencia, Spain

Valencia, Spain is definitely improving in its efforts to accommodate vegetarians (vegetarianos/as), vegans (veganos/as),  and celiacs (celiacos/as) or those who choose a gluten-free diet (sin gluten). 

It seems that every time we go out we are lucky enough to discover new places with vegan and gluten-free options. When traveling or living in Spain, be very cautious when ordering. Many spaniards have a different view of vegetarian and vegan than in other parts of the world and often assume that you will still eat seafood, cheese, and/or eggs. It is typical to find tuna (atún) on most vegetarian sandwiches and salads. In my experience, it is best to list all of the ingredients you DO NOT want in your meal.

Here are a few translated words and phrases, related to vegetarianism, to help you out.

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Best Mexican Food Restaurant in Valencia

Finding authentic Mexican food in Spain is more difficult than one may think. Although Mexico and Spain may share a language, their cuisine and flavor preferences could not be more different.

Thanks to some fellow Americans living in Valencia, I have recently discovered an adorable Mexican restaurant in the heart of Russafa. Chilangos features a colorful Mexican-style decor and has a menu complete with authentic Mexican flavors and dishes. All menu items are homemade including their tasty refried beans, chicken mole, tamales, and guacamole. I was in heaven to say the least.Continue reading