I began writing this post on Day 14 of lockdown in Valencia, Spain. I wasn’t sure where to start, or even the goal of where I wanted to finish. I wanted a way to share our lockdown experience, but have been struggling to find the words. I am not really sure if there is a message I want to convey, or if this is more of a record for me. A memory, of sorts. There are definitely things I do not want to forget about this time. And other images and stories that I wish I never saw, read, or experienced.
“We are in this together” has never been so true. And so important.
It all felt so far away at first. As time passed and the closer COVID-19 approached home, the more we came together. Fear was creeping into all areas of our lives, but we held each other tightly. Until we couldn’t. It was literally one minute to another that our physical connection to the outside world disappeared. My husband was on his way out the door to meet with friends, when we received the news that some family members were ill and there was a chance we had been exposed to the virus. We canceled everything in that moment.
Continue readingAMERICA, CAN YOU HEAR ME?
It’s like one of those nightmares when you see a friend at some distance smiling at you. You are screaming at them, warning them about what is approaching from behind. No matter how loud you are screaming, you have no voice. They cannot hear you. They continue smiling and standing right where they are. Your voice is silent. Your legs don’t work either. You’re frozen. Helpless. Literally watching a nightmare in front of you.
Sometimes we assume that in order to meditate or to be mindful, we need to silence the mind. There is a sense of desperation to avoid distraction and only allow peace to enter the mind and body. We are hard on ourselves when we notice our minds have wandered or when our days have become saturated with checklists and obligations.
I honestly believe that you can manifest anything you truly, truly desire. You know when you really want something, you can FEEL it more than you can actually describe it? That feeling. That’s the key to manifestation. And yes, I manifested this wall on this farmhouse in Tuscany, as well as the stone steps behind me and the wooden shutters that I am looking towards.
Continue readingBloom where you are planted
“Bloom where you are planted”
Once I discovered my purpose through my passion, I began to feel overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed by all the ways I hoped to impact the lives of others. I was overwhelmed by my own capacity to love, share, teach and connect. I wanted to DO it all and FOR all.
I was so eager to connect with every person in my path, I became threatened by how large the world appeared. About how much need and opportunity I began to see in front of me. It was enough to make me feel discouraged.
It was when I shared this overwhelming fear that my aunt looked at me and said, “do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. This was a powerful moment for me. It triggered a shift in my mindset, which enhanced my vision. Instead of living in a sense of overwhelm, I chose to focus. This focus helped me to hone in on what, and who, truly mattered to me.
Where was I connected to community? Who could I connect with most intimately and closely? How could my gifts be shared in the most meaningfully ways? How can I bloom where I am currently planted?
Natural Wellness in Valencia Spain
I have always been a fan of balancing western medicine with natural forms of healing, pain management, stress-reduction and general maintenance of my well-being. Moving to Valencia, Spain from California posed a few challenges, one of which was searching for and discovering my options for natural wellness in a new city.Continue reading
Why setting intentions, rather than resolutions, will make you happier
Happy new year! It’s that time of the year where we resolve to make changes, to improve, to achieve our goals and so much more. Resolutions are a great way to reflect and begin the year with a goal-setting mindset. However, resolutions can also make us feel defeated and even somewhat sad. Often, they are a reminder of our expired resolutions from the year prior. The ones that may not have come to fruition, bringing on a sense of falling short. Setting lofty new year’s goals can trigger a nagging voice of doubt, an unsettling fear of failure. Ugh. Now, that’s not the way to start the new year!
Here’s why setting intentions, rather than resolutions, will make you happier.